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By Yone Noguchi

Out of the deep and the dark,
A sparkling mystery, a shape,
Something perfect,
Comes like the stir of the day:
One whose breath is an odor,
Whose eyes show the road to stars,
The breeze in his face,
The glory of heaven on his back.
He steps like a vision hung in air,
Diffusing the passion of eternity;
His abode is the sunlight of morn,
The music of eve his speech:
In his sight,
One shall turn from the dust of the grave,
And move upward to the woodland.


Source: Poetry

  • Arts & Sciences

Poet Bio

Yone Noguchi
Yone Noguchi was the first Japanese-born writer to publish poetry in English; The Pilgrimage contained six haiku, a spare and direct form that inspired Ezra Pound and the Imagist movement. The poet was also the father of Isamu Noguchi, the internationally renowned sculptor and designer. See More By This Poet

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