By Hailey Leithauser
The heat so peaked tonight
the moon can’t cool
a scum-mucked swimming
pool, or breeze
emerge to lift the frowsy
ruff of owls too hot
to hoot, (the mouse and brown
barn rat astute
enough to know to drop
and dash) while
on the bunched up,
corkscrewed sheets of cots
and slumped brass beds,
the fitful twist
and kink and plead to dream
a dream of air
as bitter cruel as winter
gale that scrapes and blows
and gusts the grate
to luff
the whitened ashes from the coal.
Source: Poetry (November 2009)
Poet Bio
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The heart of a bear is a cloud-shuttered
mountain. The heart of a mountain’s a kiln.
The white heart of a moth has nineteen white
chambers. The heart of a swan is a swan.
The heart of a wasp is a prick of plush.
No other song
or swoop (part
quiver, part swivel and
plash) with
tour de force
stray the course note
(its new,
bawdy air an
aria hangs in) en-
trills, loops, soars,
startles, out-warbles,
out-brawns, more
lifts up
the dawn, outlaws from
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